Monday, September 24, 2012


It had been a long hard day
It had been a long hard day
And when I laid my body down
In blades rising from the ground
I found it was an easier way

Now my arms been cut
Now my arms been pressed
I been impressed by a soft green maze
It’s easier for a pillow and tree shades
Than the walk of hard civilized strut

Sometimes it seems simple
Sometimes it seems easy
To fall so soft and see
Everything swim by like bees
It brings my mind to its knees

I guess I’ve got to remember
I got to remember to forget
The way things should’ve went
Just ain’t the way history bent
Concrete over grass wasn’t my intent

But still I go on a livin’
And still I go on a livin’
So ashamed at what we do
But still I go on a livin’
Right along side of you

I’ll get it if I work real light
I’ll get it if I work real light
If I go drinking sweet into the night,
If I just forget love and its fight,
If I could just sit in this grass forever, I’d be right.

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